At the Visitor Studies Association conference every July, I get to take a deep-dive into my specialty where I get to share ideas, take the temperature of the field, and engage in some scintillating discussion. Despite the "Everything's bigger in Texas" adage, museum and audience evaluation isn't huge in Houston, so I sympathize with those who aren't able to connect in person.
This year, the Data Visualization and Reporting (DVR) Focused Interest Group (FIG) hosted the 2nd annual DataViz and Reporting Games workshop. With my co-hosts, Claire Thoma Evans and Taline Kuyumjian and the help of the DVR FIG Chair, Kate Livingston, we assembled a DVR resource list to help evaluators and anyone hoping to amp up their reporting/presentation skills! We're excited to share this resource with you. Click through for a download.
Take your best guess...
We played a Movie Title DataViz game in our workshop. Can you guess the movie title I visualized?